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Samalkha Farm under New Delhi Branch Office arranged Fruit Promotion activity of All KYI Vegetables, Watermelon, Muskmelons, Gourds, Solanaceae field. 08.05.2023

We arrange mega open day of all KYI crops cucumber, tomato, winter squash, bottle guard, ridge guard, Muskmelon, Watermelon & new incoming variety in trials. Dr. Shardhul Shankar District Horticulture Officer Panipat explained about protected cultivation, Mr. Virender Khokhar discuss about soil health & cultivation method. Promotion activity arrange by Mr. Madan Lal Yadav, Mr. Azad Singh, Mr. Mandeep, Mr. Pardeep & Mr. Dinesh Sharma. *NOTE: Click on Image above to open PDF File.
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